Hit the sauce with Potli’s cannabis-infused chili oil
Potli cannabis-infused chili oil Caprese salad.
If y’all couldn’t tell, the brains behind The Grass Agency hail from the big ass state of Texas, where the weed is dirt and the food is hot. We’ve outgrown the schwag of our adolescence, but our love of spice remains. So when we spotted a bottle of Potli’s cannabis-infused chili oil at our Pop Cultivate 4/20 dinner, we knew we had to have it. We finally snagged a bottle at Vapor Room a couple weeks back and set the wheels of creativity in motion. After some deliberation: Polenta? Pizza? Just about anything edible? We finally landed on a simple, fresh Caprese for our maiden tasting. No frills, just mozzarella, tomato, basil, a sprinkling of grey sea salt, and a drizzle of Potli chili oil. .
With little else to compete with, just a few drizzles of Potli went a long way. The spice is subtle but still effective, and the amber hue brings a punch of color to an otherwise predictable dish. We chose a small vial of THC-infused chili oil ($8 for 0.5 oz.), but Potli also offers CBD-infused products in their web store and at select retailers across the US. If spice isn’t your thing, Potli also offers infused olive oil and honey.
It’s refreshing to see experimentation in the edibles space, especially coming from two badass Asian women. We’ll be following our taste buds to The Asian Art Museum in SF this evening to hear Potli cofounder, Felicity Chen, and Monica Lo of Sous Weed talk about the history of cannabis in Chinese medicine and cooking. The event is sold out, but you should follow them for more mouthwatering eye candy.